A blog on things worthy of blogging.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Blogging

Well, I've revamped sjsayers.com and I've been using Flock lately. I will be micro-blogging because I feel it gives an easier sense of the term blogging allowing me to post short comments, and thankfully twitter loves that sort of thing. I have started a blog for MrServer which should be fun to write and I have also been playing around with Flock if I hadn't already mentioned that [comic relief] I will probably put my uber rants here and anything to long for my status which Twitter is, I'd reword the micro-blogging in fact to status blogging, a list of things your doing or thinking, where blogs seem to be used for long opinions on subjects or very well written how-to's. I've been uploading quite a few YouTube video's lately, my favorite would be TeaTime which is a rather silly video about me drinking Tea. Other things I've done today would be work on skills / mission run in Eve, I'm trying to fully deck out my Kestrel before I even consider to switching to the larger Carrier or Cruiser, such similar names but it is the Cruiser I talk about. Facebook made me happy today, as I realized how integrated my stuff is on it. It's very neat to see my last.fm charts and my latest twitter status. I believe that is all for today though, so good bye :)
Blogged with the Flock Browser

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