A blog on things worthy of blogging.

Friday, July 6, 2007


Today I wanted to do a review on a game called Saga but I don't think I've played it long enough. However to the real story, today is the 60th Anniversary of the Roswell, New Mexico UFO intervention . After watching a few hours of documentaries on the History Channel you can come to notice that even if there isn't aliens the government tries their darnedest to cover up any idea, just making it seem more plausible. If nothing was their why would they go out of their way to deny it. Which then makes me think of two things. Either they are covering something up or They don't want to say "We just aren't sure." And if they are covering something up, Why? If the citizens knew would they really be in that much shock. Possibly. Could it cause anarchy, un-likely. Since if you really think about it, as far as we know, this universe is Infinite to a certain degree. I say that because we know their has to be an end somewhere, but as far as we know, that 'somewhere' is un-godfuly far away, and near impossible to describe in one adjective. Think of all those solar systems, we can't be the only planet out there with the required things to create life.
Plus UFO's have been in text since the ancient days. Now I personally am skeptical on most accounts but some seem plausible. I believe that if UFO's have visited Earth, we need to learn as much as we can about them, build defenses and hopefully get a good relationship with them. One good out come of E.T. would be our world would be united. No more wars would go on because now we'd just be a planet, why would we need war when their are much more advanced things out there that we need to learn from. On the bad note, if E.T. can get here, they have the technology to decimate us. Hopefully some day our governments will be honest with us, till then we can just guess.

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