A blog on things worthy of blogging.

Friday, July 6, 2007


Today I wanted to do a review on a game called Saga but I don't think I've played it long enough. However to the real story, today is the 60th Anniversary of the Roswell, New Mexico UFO intervention . After watching a few hours of documentaries on the History Channel you can come to notice that even if there isn't aliens the government tries their darnedest to cover up any idea, just making it seem more plausible. If nothing was their why would they go out of their way to deny it. Which then makes me think of two things. Either they are covering something up or They don't want to say "We just aren't sure." And if they are covering something up, Why? If the citizens knew would they really be in that much shock. Possibly. Could it cause anarchy, un-likely. Since if you really think about it, as far as we know, this universe is Infinite to a certain degree. I say that because we know their has to be an end somewhere, but as far as we know, that 'somewhere' is un-godfuly far away, and near impossible to describe in one adjective. Think of all those solar systems, we can't be the only planet out there with the required things to create life.
Plus UFO's have been in text since the ancient days. Now I personally am skeptical on most accounts but some seem plausible. I believe that if UFO's have visited Earth, we need to learn as much as we can about them, build defenses and hopefully get a good relationship with them. One good out come of E.T. would be our world would be united. No more wars would go on because now we'd just be a planet, why would we need war when their are much more advanced things out there that we need to learn from. On the bad note, if E.T. can get here, they have the technology to decimate us. Hopefully some day our governments will be honest with us, till then we can just guess.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Money = Metal

Well my case is starting to break down, acutely the case has been 'broke down' for many months. The side is snapped off and the other side is half on. It has horrible ventilation. Also the Power Supply is quite old and poor quality, I don't want my hardware dying . I also want a new mother board, but I'm not going to get that anytime soon. The problem with that is it doesn't support newer processors , so I'm stuck with this 1.6 GHz processor. Which works good enough for now. That isn't the true problem of the motherboard though. The real problem is it doesn't have ACPI support for linux. Which really sucks.

I am getting a case combo which is a good deal in fact , you can find it at http://www.newegg.com/product/Product.asp?item=N82E16811147066

Also by the way I found this really funny comic http://www.explosm.net/comics/414/ which is quite funny.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

First Game Review

Odyssey Online Clasic


Graphics :
The game is 2d, and I'm not going to be bias because of that. They look alright for being what they are. Their were some nice animation features with the sword but when I put on armor I do not see it . That was a let down. I did like the torch setting but it felt needed because it always felt dark. Some problems I found were , this is my opinion of corse and the game was probably going for it but the game felt depressing, the graphics were sliding towards the evil side.
(6 out of 10 [ignoring 3d graphics])

This was horrible, I said I was stuck and they said good. Immature community. I prefer well typed messages, it was a bunch of internet-slang though. I thought with the graphics being how they are and the game-play being 3 feet deeper than shallow it would run off the immature-stereotype. Well they managed to inject themselves into this community. I was disgusted. This was the main thing that ran me off. I wouldn't say the whole community was horrible, a few managed to help me, a few being one.
(2 out of 10)

Game play : I can't stress the community. However I will ignore it for this section. The game play was fun. It felt a bit grindy and for the hardcore gamers but still it had potential. Potential being drained from the community.
(6 out of 10)

Overall rating :
It was a decent game with lots of potential. The community was the worst I've ever seen. Only exposed to it for a few minutes though. That's a double edged sword, maybe it was good but they ran me off. (4 out of 10)

Worth It? : I guess. It's a small download and at least worth trying...

Future Game Reviews

I'd like to game reviews in the future. I will base them off of games I rent for consoles or computer games. I will , like always go quite deep into all dimensions of the game and offer if it's a buy or rent type game. The game I will be reviewing in the near future will be Odyssey Classic. A game I found on www.mmorpg.com .

Also have a great independence day and give respect to those who were considered treason , for the thought of a self-governing country where you were aloud to be what you want. [Restrictions obviously apply]

Also I am thinking of programming a Tree simulator. Sounds boring yes but I want to do it then work off that code and get into some deep tree growing game, which then I could make a nature-related game, and keep expanding that slowly and hopefully come out with a game that has tons of features. I wouldn't expect any progress though. I will work on it slowly :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Java, it really isn't that bad

I've come offended that currently Java is assumed as a sloppy slow language. It's not. It's an amazing language. Look at it's architect, an ingenious idea. Creating a virtual machine running overhead the physical machine. This virtual machine is static, working everywhere, Thus making Java obviously cross-platform [if you've read this far you probably are computer literate] However this makes Java a bit slower. However the real problem is not sloppy language, sloppy coding. I have talked with the developer of one Java game that had one problem "hacked code". Now his "hacked code" was for easier work, but this game is commercial. Having a flower growing process similar to previous code makes sense in the short run. After all code recyciling is the base of Object Oriented Programming methodology but they are two differnt things that need seperate code. Now lets think about the flowers in a deeper example. What if you want to plant them with another tree, can't happen because of protection code to prevent tree on tree, but this is plant on tree. Wait... because the code is so pro-recycled it believes that flowers are trees. And this isn't the only example. Look further into his code, it is all hacked, using recycled code for similar tasks. Item creation feels the same just with differnt text. Thus making his recycled code boring, slow, and in the long run: Unproductive. In the end to make this long complaint short. Java is a good language with great API's and good support. Also a clean syntax makes it a good language to learn. However some parts can be difficult but learning it is worthy. It is cross-platform and easy to deploy. Quit saying Java is bad and figure out the real problem, the programed code, not the language.

Carlos is Over-Rated

Now I am indefinitely one to hate Politically-Correct complaining people. Many complain about Carlos Mencia's Show "Mind of Mencia" being racist and such. It is yes but that is not the problem with his show in my opinion. The problem is his humor is so steryo-typical and racist that it gets old. Now I also believe his humor is low-quality. Even though this has became a rant it's still true that I think if he came up with some original content it'd be nice. Jimmy Carr has 'offensive' jokes but they are acutely hilarious. Not much left to say , better think these rants out more next time.